Wednesday, October 3, 2012

On her own.....

Dear Father in heaven,

It has all along beenYou...
You have blessed us with our two lovely children who are now young adults.
You have have seen them through all these years ever since they were conceived.
You have always been there for them, seeing them through their ups and downs.
You have paved ways and opened doors for them for their education.
You have loved them with an everlasting love; a love that exceeds what we parents can do.
You have promise that You will not forsake them and we can trust You because You never fail.

Thank You for...
Your hand on our daughter all these 18+ years
Your love and grace and strength for her through her education in Singapore.  As I ponder on her life's journey, I could see and acknowledge Your goodness on her... how you have seen her through her difficult years in her primary, secondary and JC education. 
Your opening doors for her to study in the UK is a testimony of Your goodness, provision and grace.
Your patience as You wait for her to return to her Creator.
Your peace that passeth all understanding as we lovingly commit her to You and by faith You will help us to trust in You.
You are going to do a marvellous work in using her in time to come.

We pray for our daughter, that.....
Your presence to be with her as she is on her own physically over there.
Your love to fill her heart so that she knows You love her and one day will respond with a grateful and thankful heart to what You had done for her through the LORD Jesus Christ.
Your gift of faith for her to come to You simply by faith and not be deceived by the things of the world which cannot fill the void in her life.
Your continuing protection, providence and guidance as she grows and matures in life.
Your wisdom and discernment to mix with the right people.  LORD, please bring into her life godly people who fear You, love You.  Please remove the negative influences in her life.
Your blessings of ability to excel in the areas she is studying in for You are the Creator who made heavens and earth and no one can even come close to what You have created.
Your chosen life partner for her life; one who loves You, fear You, serves You and love her as Christ loves His church.

Thank you for our son, You have guided him thus far and have called Him to serve You, thank You for this privilege.  I pray for him, that....
Your presence with with him as he goes in and out of the home. 
Your Holy Spirit be His conscious in all he does so that he may be a living letter for You.
Your continuing protection, providence and guidance as he grows and matures in life.
Your wisdom and sensitivity as he seeks to serve You in whatever areas You have called him to.
Your love to overflow through him that he will be a blessing to the many people in his sphere of influence.
Your chosen life partner for his life; one who loves You, fear You, serves You together with him and loves, respect and support him as he seeks to put You first.

LORD, we love You and we do not seek for wealth or positions for our children, for in eternity, these will not last.  May You have mercy and may Your will be done in our lives and our children's lives.

With a grateful and thankful heart,
Your child.

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