Tuesday, October 20, 2009

New and Old Covenant

At our Bible Study yesterday, we reviewed the differences in the old and new covenants we have with God. As we take a look at the comparison by colour below based on Heb 10:1-18, Jer 31:31-34 and II Cor 3:2-9, it gives us a better picture of the liberty we have in Christ Jesus:

Old Covenant
* The Law was only a shadow of good things to come.
* Sacrifices offered year by year.
Blood of animals impossible to take away sins.
* The Law given by God to Moses, engraved on tablets of stones (external)
* Heart of stone

* Our adequacy is in ourselves.
* Letter written in ink kills
* Glory seen on Moses that faded away
* Ministry of death (for those who cannot fulfil the Law)
* Ministry of condemnation

New Covenant
* Jesus Christ came into the world. Cross/ Grace
* Jesus Christ sacrificed Himself ONCE for all times
* Law put on the hearts of men (internal) by the Holy Spirit of God Who bears witness to us.

* Heart of flesh
* Our adequacy is in God
* Spirit of the Living God gives life
* Glory in Jesus that remains
* Ministry of life in Christ Jesus
* Ministry of righteousness in Christ Jesus

In Jer 31: 33b,-34 God wants to be our God and to make us His people. From the least to the greatest we will know God and He will forgive our iniquity, our sins He will remember no more! To have an everlasting covenant with God! And He will give us the Holy Spirit as our resident Teacher to help and guide us so that working out the Sermon on the Mount which Jesus taught in Matthew 5 in our daily living is no longer impossible!

Thank you God, for Your unconditional love and amazing grace through Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

"In Christ alone, will I glory,
Though I could pride myself in battles won.
For I've been blessed beyond measure
And by His strength alone I overcome.
O, I could stop and count successes like diamonds in my hands.
But those trophies could not equal to the grace by which I stand.


In Christ alone, I place my trust
And find my glory in the power of the Cross
In every victory, let it be said of me
My source of strength,
My source of hope
Is Christ alone.

In Christ alone do I glory
For only by His grace I am redeemed
For only His tender mercy
Could reach beyond my weakness to my need
And now I seek no greater honor in just to know Him more
And to count my gains but losses to the glory of my Lord."

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