Sunday, September 19, 2010

Psalm 119 : Alpeh-He

Yesterday our ladies at BS had a great time of laughing, eating and learning GOD's WORD from Psalm 119 Aleph, Beth, Gimel, Daleth & He stanzas :)

I especially enjoyed the session when our teacher, Annabel, went through each of the above stanzas and taught us how to dig deeper. Am now going to pen down some of the lessons learnt - in this way, it helps me to remember better :)

Alpeh - There are two ways in life - GOD's way and Man's way - which one do we choose? The psalmist chose GOD's way - "the way of the blameless" he wants to follow. Blameless in Hebrew is Tamiym which means without blemish, complete, wholesome, etc. In v2 "How blessed (happy) are those who observe His testimonies, who seek Him with all their heart." His desire is to establish himself in GOD's Word so that he will not be ashamed.

Beth - In this stanza, the psalmist asked "How can a young man keep himself pure?" Why young man and not old man or old woman? A young man probably faces more challenges, new temptations as he faces the world with more liberty, compared to when he was a child under his parents protective wings. Thus if a young man can keep his way pure, the other category in the human race should be able to do likewise. So, how do we do it and not wander away? v 11 says "Your word have I treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against You." Keeping GOD's word in our hearts, meditating (or as Annabel puts it "nagging never works outward but it works inward - let GOD's word nag at us instead of us nagging at our children or our spouses :))

Gimel - I agree with Bel when she says this stanza is the one that is very difficult to put into practice. When we dug deeper into the verses, GOD helped me reflect on some of my past thoughts and actions - my reproach and contempt towards certain people and relationship issues in life. I am sorry GOD, for my arrogant attitude. Please forgive me. Take away reproach and contempt from me, for I have wandered from your commandments. v 21 says it is GOD's business to rebuke not mine. I hope to remember and apply this lesson for a long time to come by GOD's grace and strength.

Daleth - this stanza opens with "my soul cleaves to the dust" and the psalmist asked GOD to revive him according to GOD's word. v 25-29 started with a very sad tone - the psalmist wept and grieved but it shifted to a brighter tone from v 30-32 where he said "I have chosen the faithful way,.... I cling to Your testimonies.... I shall run the way of Your commandments.... enlarge my heart." No more weeping and grieving. By clinging to the dust in v 25 we are like glued to the floor level (figuratively speaking) but when we choose the faithful way and cling on to GOD, we can run and soar like eagles. v 32b he asked GOD to enlarge his heart - he wants more of GOD and His Word.

He - Here the psalmist resolved to do the right thing that is asking GOD to "teach me... give me understanding... make me walk... incline my heart...establish Your Word to your servant, as that which produces reverence for You." He further asked GOD to turn away his eyes from looking at vanity, turn away his reproach which he dread and revive him through GOD's righteousness.

Wow, already this much when we are just scrapping through the surface of these few stanzas. Am sure if we dig deeper we can learn much more. No wonder the Essence of the Qumran went into the caves to saturate themselves in GOD's word. Must remind myself that learning is one thing, applying what I learnt is more important.


  1. thank you, Irene for posting. These things are still fresh in my mind - NO shame, NO sin, NO contempt, NO grief, NO vanity. Looking forward to learning with you the next 5 stanzas :-)

  2. Well done Irene!! Thank you for sharing what we have learned :)

  3. Thanks Annabel and Angela (A & A) :)

    Sorry, I did not realize you commented till now :( but thanks for the encouragement :)

    Yes! Yes! waiting for the next 5 stanzas (am still struggling but now with the incentive of Japanese Cheesecake from Bel, I will perservere :O

    NO Shame NO sin NO contempt NO grief NO vanity for now :)
