Sunday, September 26, 2010

Happy Children's Day!

I woke up early this morning to bake the above for a very special group of adults to wish them "Happy Children's Day". Why? I John 3:1-2 says as Christians, we are all children of GOD.

The last time I used four types of berries. This time I combined Mulberries, Blackberries and Blueberries into the fillings.

The above are the same but I folded in the four sides so they looked like pockets.

I packed these for my husband and children for their breakfast. I have already eaten three pieces. They are very addictive. I simply love the pieces of real berries in the tarts. My husband called from office to say they were delicious and very professionally made :)


  1. these look great, Irene! not just "professionally made" but look like come from some atas cafe bakery! :-)

  2. Thanks Annabel :)

    Actually they are very easy to make, especially with ready made puff pastry.
    I have no doubt you can make them as "professionally" as I did if not better :)
