Tuesday, January 29, 2013

More personal insights into GOD's Word

Today's QT is from Exodus 3:1-10.   I prayed that GOD's Holy Spirit will guide me into His truth so I not only learn through humans who share with us what they have learnt from the Bible.  And GOD opened my eyes to see what He did with Moses, who was defeated with his own rescue mission for his people and had to run away to Midian, stayed, married and lived as a shepherd there :

1)  GOD appeared to Moses (v 2) at Mt Horeb. 
2)  GOD called out to Moses (v 4) 
3)  GOD tells Moses to take off his sandals to protect him as he was standing on holy ground.
     GOD is Holy and in Leviticus, we learnt that if the people of Israel do not obey and worship
     GOD the way He commands, they will die - just like Aaron's two sons in Lev 10:1.
     GOD protected Moses from dying a death of "bu ching bu bai" (not knowing why
     he died) because He was in the presence of a Holy GOD.
4) GOD introduced Himself to Moses (v 6) Even though He is GOD, He has manners and comes
    down to our level of understanding. Moses must be wondering who is talking to him.
5) GOD understands what we all go through - in the past, present and future.  He is Alpha and
    Omega, the Beginning and the End.  Nothing escapes Him.  That's why I am comforted that
    nothing happens to me and to my family by chance.  My Father in heaven knows, He is on
    the throne and is in control.
    GOD told Moses what He sees, how He feels and what He was going to do (v 7-9)
     A) "I have seen the misery of My people in Egypt"
     B) "I have heard them crying out"
     C) "I am concerned about their suffering"
     D) "I have come down to rescue them"
     E) "I will bring them to a land flowing with milk and honey"
    GOD shares information, communicates with His people.  This is one important lesson as   
    leaders, we have to learn - to communicate and share with the sheep under your care so there
    will be unity of purpose.
6) GOD wanted Moses to be involved in His plan.  Wow, what a privilege that was.  GOD can do
    everything by just opening His mouth.  In Genesis 1 we learnt how GOD created the heavens and
    the earth ex nihilio.  So, He could just open His mouth and the Egyptians will die, His people will 
    be set free, etc.  But no, He wanted Moses to be involved in His plan to rescue the people of  
    Israel, His people


What an awesome GOD we worship.  Amongst the many characters of GOD, He is One who cares, understands, protects. 
O Lord, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!
You have set your glory above the heavens.
2 Out of the mouth of babies and infants,
you have established strength because of your foes,
to still the enemy and the avenger.
3 When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,
4 what is man that you are mindful of him,
and the son of man that you care for him?
Psalm 8: 1-4

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