Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Crazy Hazy June

We have had many years of haze due to the forest burning in Indonesia but this June is the worst that we had experienced - PSI reading over 300+!  It used to be below 100 or just pass 100 for the past 10+ years but this year it's Crazy!  Hazardous!  Suffocating!  Even staying indoors with all windows closed, we are suffering from very bad burnt smoke and they are causing irritation to our eyes and throats. 

Today, our son is returning from his visit to his sister in London and we are concern for his health condition as he had asthma when he was young and since then his lungs are easily affected by weather conditions.  We hope to be able to get a mask for him to put on when we meet him at the airport later but presume all the shops selling masks would have no more stock ;(

Only GOD can deliver us from this Crazy Hazy weather we are experiencing now. 

Our Father in heaven
Hallowed be Thy Name
In Your mercy, would You please send us heavy downpour of rain
(not asking for just rain but heavy downpour as You are a BIG GOD Who can do BIG things)
to all the affected areas where Haze originated and also to the countries like Singapore
Where your children and their families plus the people living here are suffocating and suffering.

The weather forecast says it will only rain on Sunday but Father, You are the GOD who made the heavens and the earth and by one word from You, the earth was made.  So we only need a word from You to send us a heavy downpour to relieve us of this calamity we are in.

Please forgive us of our iniquities and the iniquities committed by our leaders. 
They have no compassion for the people but GOD, You are the Compassionate GOD Who heard the cries of the Israelites in Egypt and it was You who delivered them from their bondage and sufferings.  Father, only You can deliver us.

Thanking You in advance.
In Your Son's Name we pray,

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