Blessed 47th Birthday dear Peter! Hope you like the Chocolate Orange Oreo Cheesecake! :)Thank God for many well wishes and encouragement from friends.
The below limited edition Omega watch is not only a birthday
gift but also serves as a memento for the 6 years of hard work he
had put in his previous company.
God made you very special and has given you many gifts and talents. Thank you for working hard to provide for the family, for being a responsible father and loving husband.As you enter into your 47th year of our temporal life on earth, may you experience more of God's joy each day. As you continue to walk in the fear of the Lord, may He give you wisdom from above to obey and do what He wants you to do for Him and for His Kingdom's purpose, impacting lives, investing in eternal values and experiencing God's guidance each step of the way.I wonder, have I done my best for JesusWho died upon the cruel treeTo think of His great sacrifice at CalvaryI know my Lord expects the best from me.Chorus:How many are the lost that I have lifted?How many are the chained I've helped to free?I wonder, have I done my best for Jesus,When He has done so much for me.V2The hours that I have wasted are so manyThe hours I've spent for Christ so fewBecause of all my lack of love for Jesus,I wonder if His heart is breaking too.V3
I wonder, have I cared enough for others,
Or have I let them die alone?I might have helped a wanderer to the SaviourThe seed of precious life I might have sown.V4No longer will I stay within the valleyI'll climb to mountains heights above,The world is dying now for want of someoneTo tell them of the Saviour's matchless love.