This also leads me to my next question - how will the Church of Jesus Christ fare in such circumstances? Will we remain docile, hide behind some organizations and keep the so called "peace" in the world in the midst of persecution for our faith in Jesus or will we stand behind the banner of the Righteous One who died for our sins, put into practice what we say "to love the LORD our GOD with all our heart, and with all our soul and with all our strength." - to fear GOD rather than fear man?
"Whoever acknowledges Me before men, I will also acknowledge him before My Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before My Father in heaven." Matt 10: 32-33
lift high His royal banner, it must not suffer loss.
From victory unto victory His army shall he lead,
till every foe is vanquished, and Christ is Lord indeed.
Stand up, stand up for Jesus, the trumpet call obey;
forth to the mighty conflict, in this his glorious day.
Ye that are brave now serve Him against unnumbered foes;
let courage rise with danger, and strength to strength oppose.
Stand up, stand up for Jesus, stand in his strength alone;
the arm of flesh will fail you, ye dare not trust your own.
Put on the gospel armor, each piece put on with prayer;
where duty calls or danger, be never wanting there.
Stand up, stand up for Jesus, the strife will not be long;
this day the noise of battle, the next the victor's song.
To those who vanquish evil a crown of life shall be;
They with the King of Glory shall reign eternally