Day 7 - We left Bethlehem for Jerusalem, the high point of any Bible Land Tour. We begin with a visit to the Shereover Promenade where we had a "Melchizedek Welcome" to capture a magnificent view of both the Temple Mount and the Old City of Jerusalem.

Wefcers, Rev Quek and Afif, our friendly and super efficient driver.
The Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem measures today approximately 45 acres in extent. It is surrounded by a trapezoidal wall: The south wall measures about 910 feet, the North about 1025, the east wall about 1520 and the west wall about 1580 feet in length. Most of the buildings and surface features are Islamic.

The Temple Mount, also know as Mount Moriah is a religious site in the Old City of Jerusalem. When King David conquered the City (2 Samuel), he made it his new capital. He had royal quarters built there and installed the ark within the city but the work of building a Temple to house it fell to his son, King Solomon. This capital is on the border between Judah and Benjamin.

Peter smiling happily with the Temple Mount in the background :)

Group picture taken at Wohl Rose Garden outside the Knesset.

Picture 1 - Irene next to one of the trees dedicated to Righteous of Nations, planted along the paths of the Holocaust Museum. Pictures 2 n 3 - taken in the Wohl Rose Garden.

The menorah is described in the Bible as the seven-branched candelabrum made of gold and used in the portable sanctuary set up by Moses in the wilderness and later in the Temple in Jerusalem. Fresh olive oil of the purest quality was burned daily to light its lamps. The menorah has been a symbol of Judaism since ancient times and is the emblem on the coat of arms of the modern state of Israel.

Peter outside the Knesset and Israeli Supreme Court in Jerusalem

Irene in front of the Shrine of the Book, a wing of the Israel Museum which houses the Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in 11 caves in and around Qumran.

A Jewish young adult wearing a kippah (literally: dome) which is the Hebrew word for skullcap, also referred to as yarmulke, or less frequently as a koppel. Jewish law requires men to cover their heads as a sign of respect and reverence for GOD when praying or speaking GOD's name while reciting a blessing, during study, and while in a synagogue or yeshiva. This practice has its roots in biblical times, where the priests in the temple were instructed to cover their heads. Traditionally, Jewish men and boys wear the kippah at all times, a symbol of their awareness of, and submission to, a "higher" entity.

Model pictures showing some parts of the Temple.

The Southern Steps are sometimes called the Teaching Steps or Steps of the Rabbi because it is thought that Christ would have taught on these very steps in front of the gates to the Temple. Christ taught of many things including the truth about Himself as the Messiah and the kingdom of God; and one can learn much from His teachings. Paul says in I Corinthians that Christ is the wisdom of God. Christ alone is the foreordained way of salvation and reconciliation to God. So while there may be much worldly wisdom in the words of Christ, do not forget that Christ Himself is the only true Wisdom.

Picture 1 - After viewing pictures and exhibits of more than 6 millions Jews who died during the Holocaust, this was how Peter looked. Picture 2 - Peter: "Aiyah, cave also want to take?"

Peter in front of the Yad Vashem Children's Memorial. This unique memorial, hollowed out from an underground cavern, is a tribute to the approximately 1.5 million Jewish children who perished during the Holocaust.
Memorial candles, a customary Jewish tradition to remember the dead, are reflected infinitely in a dark and somber space, creating the impression of millions of stars shining in the firmament. The names of murdered children, their ages and countries of origin can be heard in the background as you walk through the Children's Memorial.
In spite of the what had happened during the Holocaust and around the world today, let's continue our walk by faith, knowing that our GOD is Sovereign and HIS thoughts are not our thoughts, neither are our ways HIS ways.
Romans 11: 33-36:
"Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of GOD! How unsearchable HIS judgments, and HIS paths beyond tracing out! Who has known the mind of the LORD? Or who has been HIS counselor? that GOD should repay him? For from HIM and through HIM and to HIM are all things. To HIM be the glory forever! Amen."
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