Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me....
Coated the tarts with a layer of melted chocolate, followed by another layer of whipped cream with vanilla beans and some icing sugar.
Bought these fresh Raspberries and Blackberries from the supermarket.
We celebrated Peter's 49th birthday today at Triple Three
The birthday "boy" with his two precious children.
The buffet spread here is quite good and we ate till we were satisfied :)
2) Identify the Challenges
What are the pitfalls and danger zones we have to take note of?
V. 19-20 says do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven. Reason being the wealth, status, power and stuff we accumulate here on earth are temporal. Only the good works done with the right motive, glorifying GOD have eternal values.
V. 21 - "where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." During my youth days, I learnt this song in church and have always been reminded of the words in this song:
V. 24 we are warned that the world and her wealth are competing for our allegiance. We cannot serve 2 masters - which one will you choose?
There are 3 reasons why we should not worry in life (V. 25-32)
a) Life is more than food and clothing
b) You can't add a single hour to life by worrying.
c) Do not be like the Gentiles who eagerly seek these things. Why? Because your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things V. 32 and in V. 8 ".... even before you ask Him." Isn't it comforting and reassuring that we have such a wonderful, caring and thoughtful Father who knows our needs even before we ask of Him? Thank you GOD, with You I shall not be in need.
V. 33 "But seek ye first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." Prov 3:5-10 tells us to TRUST in GOD, Who gives us our daily bread.
3) Identify the Challengers
Matt 7:15 - Here's another "BEWARE" Of who? False prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. And how do you know if they are real or false? V. 16 n 20 say "You will know them by their fruits."
In V. 1-5 we are taught to judge with discernment from GOD. In Greek "krino" means distinguish and to make a decision. John 7:24 says we are to judge with righteous judgment, in the fear of the LORD. V. 6 sounded weird to us Gentiles but not to the Jews at that time. It means if you use GOD's principles and practice them on the non-believers, then you are like "giving what is holy to dogs and throwing your pearls before swine."
V 7-11 refers to prayer. When we are thirsting and practicing righteousness, seeking first His kingdom, we are driven with an inner desire that manifest into action and direction. Intentionally seeking that relationship with GOD and His righteousness.
V. 12 - Do unto others what you would others do unto you for this was what the Jews were taught in their OT Law and from the prophets.
V. 13-14 talks about the wide gate that is broad that leads to destruction and the narrow gate with the small and narrow way that leads to life, practicing righteousness that surpasses that of the Scribes and Pharisees.
V. 21- 27 warns us that only those who does the will of GOD, who hears His Word and acts on them will enter the kingdom of heaven, but those who practice lawlessness and does not act on what he hears from GOD's Word will not enter the kingdom of heaven.
V. 29 In all of the above, Jesus taught with authority.
Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness
And all these things shall be added unto you
Allelu, alleluia
It all started with this lump of wet and yucky looking thingy. I was not able to take my own pictures of the kneading method but after kneading it for about 20 minutes, it formed into the dough you see in the next picture.
Yesterday, I baked one recipe of 2 variations; luncheon meat and tuna with onions.
My son took the luncheon meat bun to camp for his breakfast and one of his camp mates had some to try and was impressed. Said it was as good as the ones he bought from the shops ;)