Five of us from Gen8sis met this morning for a wonderful time of learning GOD's Word from Exodus 15:1-21, sharing and fellow-shipping over simple, authentic Thai Food. Peter, our E guitarist, prayed that we will have more of this kind of bonding time. Amen to that :)

Our faithful bass guitarist, Tach, led us in a time of worship and read a passage from Ps 40:1-10, focusing on Jesus and reminded us that it does not require our burnt offerings but our obedience.
Mike, our bandleader, led in the BS discussion (thanks for making time despite your busy, busy schedule.) May we walk the talk and work out what we have learnt to better our serve and impact lives for Jesus:

Why do we worship? Some of the answers were:
i) We are made to worship GOD and to enjoy Him forever; giving thanks with a grateful heart.
ii) GOD is worthy.
iii) It is a commandment to worship GOD.
iv) Recognizing our GOD is so great, holy, worthy, we give Him the worship and honour due to Him.
What's the difference between worship and praise?i) Praise is giving thanks for what He has done for us.
ii) Worship is adoration to God for Who He is.
Why were the Israelites able to sing the song of Moses and described in detail what had happened?They have seen the deliverance of GOD, the words of the song they sang have new found meaning, something they could relate to. Emotionally high, freedom from slavery and bondage, etc. Their experience have brought them to a next level of faith in GOD.
Tach also commented that they were united in corporate worship. Peter pointed out that we, as believers in Christ, also have something in common - spiritual deliverance even though our physical deliverance might be different.
What did Moses' song focus on?Moses, like a worship leader, led in the song but he did not focus on himself instead, he focused on GOD's character and attributes; His salvation, strength, greatness, majesty, unfailing love, guidance, holiness, a GOD Who work wonders.
What are some of the roles a worship leader needs to fulfil:i) To draw the worshippers' attention to Who GOD is, His character and attributes so that those who are weary, heavy burdened, etc can focus their attention on a Great GOD Who is able to grant them sufficient grace to see them through whatever situations they may be in.
ii) To identify himself/herself with the people; ministering to them, praying for them, e.g. during altar call,. This is biblical as Jesus identified with us (Heb 4:14-16).
iii) To choose the appropriate songs; teaching the right theology based on what GOD says in the Bible.
iv) Be humble, esteem others better than themselves
Summary of the above study:1) Be mindful of GOD's faithfulness, recount these things, journal down the big and small milestones in life.
2) How do we translate what we have learnt into leading His people into worship?
3) Be mindful of the people we lead in worship, pray for the congregation.
4) Trials are bound to come. So anchor on GOD's character and attributes because His grace is sufficient to see us through.
5) Be trained to also minister to others.
6) We are to live a life of obedience, a mark of living worship.

Who is like You, O LORD?
Working wonders.