It has been quite some time since I last baked American Carrot Cake. This time round I added some orange zest into the cream cheese frosting and according to my son who does not fancy carrot cake, "it is very nice" :)
I am planning to bake these in 7" x 7" trays and sell them with Christmas Decorations during this December period. This would be a nice change to eating Fruitcakes; not as sweet and healthier too, with lots of carrot, pineapples, walnuts, etc. BTW, I only use USA walnuts as they taste really good after toasting them slightly in the oven :)

I was very thankful that Eliza got through to JC2 next year so I baked these for her teachers to "reward" them. She came back and feedback that her teachers and friends love them, even those who do not like carrot cake enjoyed them :)

These are the carrot cakes without frosting, They just came out of the oven so had to let them cool be adding the frosting.

Cream Cheese Frosting with Orange Zest. It gives a refreshing taste to the whole experience.
I also made a whole cake in a 7" x 7" tray which I gave some to friends. I hope they enjoy them just like many did :) Oh, for the record, I have taken 3 pieces and am still craving for more... so addictive ;)