Maple syrup is a syrup made from the sap of sugar maple, red maple or black maple trees. In cold climate areas, these trees store starch in their stems and roots before the winter; the starch is then converted to sugar and rises in the sap in the spring. Maple trees can be tapped and the exuded sap collected and concentrated by heating to evaporate the water. Quebec, Canada, produces most of the world's supply of maple syrup. Maple sugar is rich in potassium, calcium, and iron and is 100% fat free. No wonder this small bottle of 100% Canadian Maple Syrup costs SGD15.50. I used this to bake my Pecans and Walnuts.
Peter bought these Pecan from Australia. They are a good source of protein and unsaturated fats. Pecans are rich in omega-6 fatty acids.
A diet rich in nuts can lower the risk of gallstones in women. The antioxidants and plant sterols found in pecans reduce high cholesterol by reducing the "bad" LDL cholesterol levels. These Pecans are baked with Maple Syrup.

These are baked with Maple Syrup and sprinkled with some ground Cayenne Powder. I baked them at 150 degrees C for about 1 hour. You can't stop eating them once you get started :)
Just a handful of these California Walnuts provides:
2.5 grams of ALA, the plant-based source of omega-3 fatty acid. 4 grams of protein 2 grams of fiber and has 10% of your daily value of magnesium and phosphorus - an easy way to boost your daily nutrition.